The Most Prominent Advantages of Bevatel Live Chat Service

The Most Prominent Advantages of Bevatel Live Chat Service

The Live Chat service is one of the latest modern cloud call centers offered by Bevatel to organizations and businesses with multiple professional features to receive customer conversations, inquiries, and problems in a faster, professional, and cost-effective way.

This service is one of the solutions and advantages of the Bevatel Social service for linking social media. This service enables you to receive all your website conversations with many options and professional features that help you develop your service and technical support for your customers through your website.

Thousands of establishments and businesses utilize Web Chat; not to lose any of their customers’ conversations and improve their marketing, sales, customer service, and technical support departments’ performance.

We will know more about this service, its advantages, and its usages for various departments of establishments and commercial activities. Let’s go.

Live chat service

This service is also known as a web chat system. The web chat conversation system is a professional system that allows your establishment website users to communicate with you quickly and with many options and features that facilitate communication and help you stay connected with your customers 24h/day.

Whenever a user or customer enters your online store, establishment, or business website, they will meet the start a conversation window.

The conversation box that appears for the customer allows him to leave his message that may include inquiries, complaints, problems, a request to reserve service, purchase a product, and other operations that customers need.

The Live Chat system allows him to leave his message, inquiries continue in the chatbot scenarios or request to join into a conversation with one of the departments of your establishment (sales, customer service, technical support, etc.).

After customers send a request to start a conversation with one of the departments or any other request they may send through the web chat service, the staff receives these requests. And then, they respond to customer inquiries and problems.

Bevatel Webchat System Advantages

Bevatel offers a webchat system service with multiple professional options and features and at the lowest costs to help establishments and businesses improve the performance of sales, technical support, and customer service departments and even help your company increase profits and sales.

We can briefly mention the most prominent features of the Live Chat service in some points as follows:-

  1. Unlimited Chatbot
  2. All customer data in one place
  3. Categorize customer conversations with tags
  4. Keep conversations
  5. Integration with different systems such as CRM system

1- Unlimited Chatbot

The webchat system enables you to activate the chatbot. And then, you can create chatbot templates and upload them to the Live Chat system or the unified Bevatel Social platform for all conversations.

You can put in chatbot templates scenarios of expected conversations with customers, provided that these scenarios include a welcome message, quick and short auto-responses including answers to inquiries, and questions of expected customers regarding your services or products.

Through this service, you can create chatbot templates for all sales, customer service, and technical support departments and keep these conversations until the customer chooses the required conversation scenario.

The mechanism of this service is to provide suggestions and options to customers so that the customer chooses the conversation scenario that answers his inquiries and questions.

Through this system, you can partially respond to the customer’s inquiries and then transfer the customer to talk with a sales, technical support, or customer service employee, or answer all customer inquiries through the chatbot, according to the customer’s choice.

2- All customer data in one place

The Live Chat service enables you to get all customer data in one place (one page.) that includes all the basic details of the customer like name, address, contact detail (email & mobile number.), and others.

Through this feature, you can also view other details of the customer like his inquiries, complaints, orders, and requests regarding the products or services you provide.

The Bevatel web chat system also allows you to view the pages of your website where the customer is at the moment, his preferences, and other details that help you understand your customers, their needs, preferences, complaints, and inquiries.

This system then helps you and your employees to provide better customer service and technical support through Live Web Chats.

3- Categorize customers’ conversations

The Live Chat system allows you to categorize the conversations of your potential, existing, and new customers with defined tags that indicate their requests, inquiries, or need to communicate with a specific department.

For example, you can label some customers with a tag or word (sales, technical support, reservations, customer service, etc.).

Or you can also categorize customers with codes and words specific to your products or services (such as a cloud call center system, a CRM customer relationship management system, or IVR system, etc.).

This feature enables you to access defined details and reports regarding your sales, technical support, and customer service’ departments by filtering conversation reports with the tags you previously entered into the system.


4- Save conversations

The Live Chat system from Bevatel keeps all of your customers’ conversations with you through your establishment website or e-commerce business in the conversation history.

You can then return to these conversations at any time and easily by filtering customer conversations and using defined words or tags to the conversation you want to access.

The Live Chat service also enables you to easily access all the conversations conducted by a particular employee or all the conversations of a defined department by using the tag of that employee or the department and reviewing his chats.

5- Integration with your online store and customer relationship management system

One of the main advantages of the web chat system is that you can easily link it with your CRM, your online store platforms, and other platforms that allow you to see the details of each customer’s physical transactions and purchases.

This feature saves you a lot of time to get these details by accessing the customer relationship management system and searching for this customer and the info required.

This integration provides you with professional features for the technical support department in your establishment or business.

This integration enables you to access the technical support tickets of a customer to view his problems, previous inquiries, and other details that help your establishment technical support department provide support and solutions to your customers through the live chat system immediately.

In general, the Live Chat Service is one of the most prominent and latest services of advanced call centers that have become an urgent necessity for establishments and commercial activities in various fields of work and sizes. Due to the many options and professional features that this service provides helping establishments develop customer service performance, technical support, and sales, even increasing profits.

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