5 Advantages to use Cloud Call Center System

5 Advantages to use Bevatel Cloud Call Center System

5 Advantages to use Bevatel Cloud Call Center System

Utilizing the Cloud Call Center system to make and receive calls has become one of the essentials for the customer service, sales, and technical support departments’ success in establishments and commercial activities, whatever their work and the services or products.

Many businesses and governmental institutions in Saudi Arabia rely on the Bevatel call center system because it can make and receive the required number of concurrent calls. In addition to that, it includes many professional features for calling and follow-up work.

The advantages provided by the cloud contact center systems from Bevatel benefit both employees and managers.

They help employees execute their tasks better and help managers track the workflow of the call center. And then evaluate and improve the staff performance.

In this article, we will write about the Bevatel call center system and its advantages for business and establishments’ contact centers. Let’s go.

What is Cloud Call Center?

It is the latest call center system in Saudi Arabia that works cloudly that establishments and businesses use to make and receive many concurrent calls with professional features and multiple options for the various departments of the establishment.

This system is the basis of the work or cornerstone of the contact centers for establishments and commercial activities, which work mainly through communicating with the target audience.

Like as governmental and service institutions, or to execute sales operations for products and services as in companies and commercial activities or to provide technical support to customers also over the phone.

The Bevatel Cloud Call Center system includes many professional features and options that enable many commercial activities and governmental establishments to make and receive multiple concurrent calls.

We briefly mention the most prominent of these advantages in points as follows:-

  1. It works cloudly / working remotely.
  2. Call recording feature.
  3. Call features (call forwarding, IVR, voice mail).
  4. Live Panel.
  5. Performance reports.


(1) It works cloudly / working remotely

One of the most popular advantages of the Bevatel cloud call center system is that it works cloudly without the traditional devices, cables, or complicated installations. System works only with an Internet connection.

And then, you can run this system from anywhere cloudly and remotely and without the need to be at the contact headquarters. This feature enables you to track the workflow of the customer service, technical support, and sales departments in your establishment periodically, remotely, and from anywhere.

This feature enables you to assign Call Center staff to work remotely without being at the call center headquarters. So this feature saves you many costs necessary to provide a suitable work environment for customer service employees at the call center headquarters. As in this case, you will not need to have many computers, desks, call center headphones, and large spaces to accommodate call center employees.

(2) Call recording feature

The Bevatel Cloud Call Center system includes the calls recording features that your customer service, sales, and technical support staff receive or make through your establishment or business contact center.

As a business owner or contact center manager, the Bevatel cloud system allows you to extract call recordings for the last 30 days at any time, as the system keeps call recordings for 30 days.

The call recording and recordings exporting’ features help you track your business or establishment call center workflow, listen to calls, and evaluate the sales, technical support, and customer service staff performance. And then, you can recognize weaknesses and strengths and develop the staff’s performance in general.

 (3) Calling features (call forwarding, IVR, voice mail).

The cloud call center system from Bevatel provides many advantages to customers when calling the unified number of your establishment or business. And we can mention the most popular of them as follows:-

a- Call Forwarding

You can benefit from the call forwarding feature provided by the system to divert the caller to a defined department or to convert him to the IVR feature or to the voice mail feature to leave his inquiry, complaint, or problem in a voice message.

b- IVR System

The Cloud Contact Center system allows you to activate the IVR feature. And through this feature, you can interact with callers and respond to their inquiries by displaying some of the previously recorded voice messages that callers interact with them.

c- Voice mail

The Bevatel Call Center system allows you to activate the voice mail feature that allows your callers to leave their inquiries, complaints, and suggestions in voice messages that your staff will check later and call the senders back.

(4) Live Panel

The live panel is one of the most popular Bevatel cloud call center systems because it provides you with multiple options and tools that enable you to track your establishment or business call center workflow periodically.

Through the live panel, you can view all the current calls at the call center, know their details, and you can listen to a call from them without knowing the caller or the employee.

This panel also enables you to view each employee’s status: on a call, meeting, or a break.

As well as allows you to view the waiting list and the duration of calls for each employee.

This panel allows you to direct the customer service or sales and support employee particularly or correct info for him privately and without knowing the caller.

This panel also allows you to interfere in the call if the caller requests it and enables you to end the call in case the caller speaks inappropriately or in other situations that require it.

In general, this dashboard enables you to follow the performance of your employees periodically. And this feature helps you evaluate them and get an overview of your contact center, and then you can improve the performance.


5 Advantages to use Bevatel Cloud Call Center System

(5) Performance reports

The Cloud Call Center system provides professional reports on all calls made and received by the customer service, sales, and technical support staff in your contact center.

These reports provide you with a detailed overview of the number of calls made and received by each employee, the number of missed calls, the duration of calls, the number and duration of breaks taken by each employee, and others.

You can export these reports monthly, weekly, or daily. And the Bevatel system’ reports help you follow up and evaluate your establishment call center staff’s performance. And then help you guide them for development.

The Bevatel cloud system’ reports are the most popular advantages that this system provides because they provide you with an integrated and detailed overview of the numbers and statistics about the entire call center performance.

In general, many commercial activities, governmental and non-governmental establishments recommend the Bevatel cloud call center system as the latest and professional call center system with multiple tools and options that you can take advantage of at the lowest costs in Saudi Arabia.

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