5 fields where Call Center must be available to ensure continuity and success!

5 fields where Call Center must be available to ensure success

5 fields where Call Center must be available to ensure continuity and success!

Many companies have always looked at the easiest way to enable them to have easy and quick access to their customers, so that they can receive their calls, follow their problems and solve them, in addition to many other goals that call for the existence of a call center or so-called contact Center, where that center revolutionized the world of communications, and led to tremendous development in the global market, which we can see the results on the ground, many startups are now global companies and well-known brands, and have a huge fan base, permanent customers and belonging to It, through smart solutions and advanced methods in which these centers operate.

It no longer depends solely on selling the product or promoting your company’s service! Even more needs to be done, as in the current era, the market is filled with companies and institutions up to millions of companies and we may see that they all promote similar products and services, which makes competition very difficult, and the element of competition depends on the customer’s attention, if you take care of your customers, you gain their trust and loyalty, and even gain more customers, and therefore a lot of returns and profits.

So, if you want to know what the call center is and whether it will be useful in your business or not! In the next article, Bevatel will help you figure out everything about that center, so read on.

Article elements

  1. What’s Call Center?
  2. What kinds of Call Center?
  3. What are the fields that need a communications center?

1. What’s Call Center?

Its names may vary between a contact center or a communications center, but what is not different is the real benefit that a call center offers to all companies and institutions, which in short is a fully equipped center to receive and direct calls to and from customers anywhere, whether inside or outside Saudi Arabia.

The center includes the company’s customer service team, which response to customer calls, solves their problems, executes their orders according to the experience it possesses, and includes systems that carry customer data, and records all transactions that take place throughout the duration of receiving calls, in addition to the devices used to receive all those calls in the best possible quality, to achieve a better customer experience.

In companies, Call Center has several features and solutions that distinguish it from any old and traditional means of communication, it has the following characteristics:

a) Call recording

b) Call transfer

c) Remote work

d) Monitoring and follow-up

e) Performance Analytics

a) Call recording

One of the most important features of the contact center is the feature of recording calls and keeping them on very strong and secure databases, where will help you track the wishes of your customers and follow the customer’s journey from an interest in your brand, to turn it into a permanent customer of your company, as you will be able to return to those recordings in the event of an emergency, as well as help you monitor your employees and ensure the quality of service provided by your customer service representatives.

b) Call transfer

This feature will help you as a company owner or manager of an organization to facilitate your employees and improve the level and mechanisms of work in your company, where the calls of your customers connected to the relevant departments are transferred according to the purpose of their communication, if the purpose of the customer’s communication is to complain, the customer’s call will be immediately transferred to the complaints department, which helps solve problems quickly and easily.

c) Remote work

Working online will help you follow your business, employees, all customers, and operations through a single platform remotely and from anywhere online, and your employees can respond to customers and complete all transactions without the condition that they are in the company or headquarters, which will help you cope with the corona and the quarantine procedures without affecting the level of work.

d) Monitoring and follow-up

This feature is a powerful feature of any company’s Call Center, giving you the ability to follow your employees and monitor live from anywhere, and you will be able to follow the conversations and calls that take place between your customers and employees, the number and what resulted and who managed those calls, which allows you to maintain a regular follow-up to all business matters.

e) Performance Analytics

In the end, with performance analytics, you will be able to extract detailed reports on the company’s performance and quality of service provided by customer representative service, and you can extract performance analytics with accuracy and clarity, through that system you will get monitoring of all the processes that have been made, and all calls issued and received day and hour so that you can identify and address strengths and weaknesses.

5 fields where Call Center must be available to ensure success

2. What kinds of Call Center?

There are two main types of communications center that we can categorize by location and purpose as follows:

  • Internal center: it is the center that is within the company itself, the company appoints customer service employees, trains, and operates them to answer the calls of its customers, in addition to equipping a specialized place equipped with all the devices, tools, and systems that serve its objectives and purposes.
  • external center: The external center or call center for others, which is called remote operation services, is a company that provides a team of customer service representatives and a place equipped with the latest equipment, in addition to strong and modern systems and databases, where they provide them to companies that do not have the means or infrastructure to build an internal center in them, which is one of the smart solutions that many companies have resorted to in the current era to save time, effort and costs as well.

3. What are the fields that need a communications center?

There are many different areas and sectors in which there must be a contacts center or the use of external services, the most important of which are:

a) Booking and flight companies

b) Hospitals and clinics

c) Restaurants and shops

d) Telecommunications Companies

e) Banks

a) Booking and flight companies

It is one of the most needed sectors of these centers, as it needs online booking services, follow-up flight schedules with customers, and in cases of emergency reporting such as cancellation or postponement of the departure date of the aircraft.

b) Hospitals and clinics

We find that they may need these centers, especially during the period of the corona, quarantine procedures, and precautionary procedures, the divergence led to the emergence of the booking of doctors’ appointments online, remote detection, even the services of prescribing medications or explaining the procedures followed, most of which are done over the phone.

c) Restaurants and shops

Most popular restaurants and shops such as hypermarkets and others use the phone to market their new offers or to receive product orders through customer contact.

d) Telecommunications Companies

The primary accreditation of telecommunications companies is telephone marketing, as it is a huge contacts center, which receives calls from their customers whether they are calling for inquiry or complaint.

e) Banks

Banks need Call Center, especially in communicating with their customers, because of checking their accounts or checking certain securities or financial matters, or even legal affairs, all these purposes need a customer service team to solve the problem with ease.

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